Showing of 14 total

  1. Hollywood Fresh Custard - 4 oz.
    $22.00 Retail
    $15.00 W/S

    13 BV

    15 QV

    Hollywood Fresh Custard is a medium-weight moisture creme that will provide a decadent satisfaction to your skin that deserves this indulgence


  2. Anointed Body Cleansing Oil Serum 4 oz
    $20.00 Retail
    $15.00 W/S

    13 BV

    15 QV

    Cleanse, soothe and bless your life, your body, and your home with the Anointed blend. This is a rich, sweet, and spicy blend of resin and bark oils. The aroma of deep Amber, spicy cinnamon bark, and edifying frankincense, among others.